An average reduction in production labour cost
Fast set-up. Unpack, mount and program the first simple task in less than an hour.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
UR3: The world’s most flexible, light-weight table-top cobot to work alongside humans
Norwegian meat producer Nortura. A UR10 robot with a ceiling-mounted vision system provided a cost-effective and high-performance palletizing system in one-fifth of the space typically required
Easy to use and programming lets operators with no programming experience quickly set up and operate UR robots.
Collaborative and safe start for industrial automation
Innovative force-sensing technology enables the robot to stop operating if it comes into contact with an employee. Eighty percent of the thousands of Universal Robots worldwide operate with no safety guarding (after risk assessment), right beside human operators.

JOB4BOT packaged solution to start with your automation and digitalisation project

Universal Robots (UR3, UR5, UR10) - best cobot for your digital workforce

Automation and digitalisation engineering services - audit solution design, installation and training.
JOB4BOT financing and renting options can help you to start with automation and digitalisation without taking substantial risks.
We are committed to helping you with our low-cost and fast to deploy automation solutions
Contact us today, to get help with identifying potential automation and digitalisation tasks in your current manual-intense production process.
Digitalisation opportunities audits and rapid new solution's simulations provided by our engineers and consultants received highly positive feedback from our clients.
Toompuiestee 30, 10149 Tallinn, Estonia
+372 5021033