
Happy to announce that from Jule 2019 Job for Robot OÜ is the official distribution partner of Solomon in Baltic States.
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Robot Vision help you to automate production flows with unordered objects of different sizes

Robot Vision that is Easy to Set Up

With Pick-it, the set-up is quick and easy. All you need to do is plug in your robot and the Pick-it 3D camera, tell Pick-it where to look, and teach it what to look for. The 3D camera is pre-calibrated and comes with a calibration plate to help the Pick-it software know where the robot is. The solution works whether you have the 3D camera mounted on the robot or separately.

Does Not Require Programming

Configuring the 3D camera and software to work with your robot is a straightforward process and does not require any computer-programming experience. Configured through a friendly graphic user interface.

Works With All Major Robot Brands

The Robot Vision 3D camera and software communicate with your robot over an internet connection. Because of this, Pick-it can work with any robot you want to use it with, including major brands such as ABB, Universal Robots, and Kuka.

JOB4BOT packaged solution to start with your automation and digitalisation project

Packaged solution to start with your automation and digitalisation.

Universal Robots (UR3, UR5, UR10) - best cobot for your digital workforce

JOB4BOT is the official Robotiq distributor in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Pick-it is the 3D robot vision solution that guides your robot to pick and place your products.

JOB4BOT is official distributor of Robotiq products in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

Automation and digitalisation  engineering services - audit solution design, installation and training.

JOB4BOT financing and renting options can help you to start with automation and digitalisation without taking substantial risks.

We are committed to helping you with our low-cost and fast to deploy automation solutions

Contact us today, to get help with identifying potential automation and digitalisation tasks in your current manual-intense production process.

Digitalisation opportunities audits and rapid new solution's simulations provided by our engineers and consultants received highly positive feedback from our clients.